Elaia’s Voting Policy

Article 319-21 of the AMF General Regulations provides that the management company shall draw up a document entitled “Voting Policy” which sets out the conditions under which it intends to exercise the voting rights attached to securities held by the FPCI of which it ensures its management.

Elaia Partners exercises the voting rights on securities not traded on a European or foreign regulated market held in the portfolios of the vehicles it manages under the following conditions:

  • Voting rights are exercised in the sole interest of the holders of the funds,
  • The Management Company exercises the voting rights for all portfolio holdings,
  • The Management Company reviews each of the resolutions submitted to the meetings and especially :

– The decisions resulting in an amendment of the statues,

– Approval of accounts and allocation of results,

– The appointment and dismissal of social authorities,

– Agreements, in particular, regulated,

– Plans to issue and redeem securities,

– The appointment of the Statutory Auditors.

Elaia Partners may vote against in the event that the resolution is against the interest of the fund and its holders (issuance of reserves or non approval of the accounts by the Statutory Auditors, allocation of results contrary to the financial position of the company, …).

  • People authorized to exercise the voting rights are the directors of Elaia Partners or the members of the management team who hold a power conferred by the directors,
  • Physical participation in meetings is generally the method of exercising the voting right, but the management company may, in the event of an impediment, decide to vote by correspondence or give a voting power to a designated representative.

Elaia Partners exercises the voting rights exclusively in the interests of unitholders. In the event of a potential or actual conflict of interest, it must be settled by Elaia Partners in compliance with this rule.

A report for each of the managed FPCIs reports on the exercise of voting rights during the year. This report is available on request from the management company.